NEW from Duane S. Nickell
Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler: What People Are Saying
”For all the astronauts-at-heart out there, Duane Nickell’s book is an invitation to travel to sites across America that remind us of our country’s wonderful accomplishments in exploring outer space as well as our humble place in the universe.”
— Buzz Aldrin, astronaut on the Apollo 11 lunar mission
“Duane Nickell weaves together the fascinating stories of the experts, institutions, and discoveries behind each superbly chosen scientific site in America. The tales he tells will enrich every visit to a historic home, university, museum, or research facility.”
— Paul Doherty, Exploratorium
“Let me recommend Nickell’s beautiful and educational guidebook. Without question, excursions to the locations he suggests would be terrific fun, a real-life journey to the stars.”
— Joe Allen, astronaut
“Until now, scientifically minded tourists haven’t had the luxury of a serious guidebook to plan their trips. Fortunately, the Scientific Traveler series is a treasure trove of both scientific and historical information.”
— Sky & Telescope
Scientific Kentucky